1丨228丨欢迎使用 verysync 【微力同步】一款高效的数据传输工具。简单易用的多平台文件同步软件,惊人的传输速度是不同于其他产品的最大优势, 微力同步 的智能 P2P 技术加速同步,会将文件分割成若干份仅 KB 的数据同步,而文件都会进行 AES 加密处理。丨Welcome to verysync 【micro force synchronization】 an efficient data transfer tool. Easy-to-use multi-platform file synchronization software, amazing transfer speed is different from other products. Smart P2P technology with micro-synchronization speeds up synchronization, splits files into several KB-only data syncs, and files are AES Encryption processing. 2丨224丨欢迎使用 File Manager 【在线文件管理系统】基于GO的轻量级文件管理系统。指定的目录中提供文件管理界面,可用于上传,删除,预览,重命名和编辑文件。它允许创建多个用户,每个用户可以拥有自己的目录。它可以用作独立的应用程序或中间件。丨Welcome to File Manager 【Online File Management System】 a lightweight file management system based on GO. A file management interface is provided in the specified directory, which can be used to upload, delete, preview, rename and edit files. It allows the creation of multiple users, each of which can have its own directory. It can be used as a standalone application or middleware. 3丨201丨回车,输入你要创建的bot用户名(例如XXX_bot),回车发送.再次输入你要创建的bot名字(例如XXX_bot),回车发送。创建成功会提示 Use this token to access the HTTP API:123:ABCD,这里它生成了123:ABCD填入页面的【token】丨, enter the name of the bot you want to create (for example, XXX_bot), and press Enter. Enter the name of the bot you want to create (for example, XXX_bot) and press Enter to send it. Create success will prompt Use this token to access the HTTP API: 123: ABCD, here it generates 123: ABCD fill in the page [token] 4丨165丨通过raw socket给UDP包加上TCP或ICMP header,进而绕过UDP屏蔽或QoS,或在UDP不稳定的环境下提升稳定性。可以有效防止在使用kcptun或者finalspeed的情况下udp端口被运营商限速。丨Add a TCP or ICMP header to the UDP packet through the raw socket, thereby bypassing UDP masking or QoS, or improving stability in an unstable UDP environment. It can effectively prevent the udp port from being limited by the operator when using kcptun or finalspeed. 5丨125丨UDP双边加速工具,降低丢包率,配合vpn可以加速任何协议,尤其适用于加速游戏和网页打开速度;同时也是一个UDP连接的调试和统计工具。丨UDP bilateral acceleration tool, reduce packet loss rate, with vpn can accelerate any protocol, especially for speeding up game and web page opening; also a debugging and statistical tool for UDP connection. 6丨97丨欢迎使用 tgbot - 一个使用 telegram 机器人的 bot api 发送消息的app。使用前先下载并登录telegram吧!丨Welcome to tgbot - an app that uses the telegram robot is bot api to send messages. Download and log in to the telegram before using it! 7丨95丨欢迎使用 virtualhere,让我们可以通过网络(局域网、互联网)远程使用USB设备,就像在本地连接一样。丨Welcome to virtualhere, which allows us to remotely use USB devices over a network (LAN, Internet), just like connecting locally. 8丨86丨备注:请用最新的浏览器。它适用于Chrome(移动设备),Firefox,Safari(Mac和移动设备)。丨Note: Please use the latest browser. It works with Chrome (mobile devices), Firefox, Safari (Mac and mobile devices). 9丨86丨欢迎使用 guestkit,让我们可以将【访客WIFI开关】接入苹果智能家庭APP,并用Siri语音控制。丨Welcome to the guestkit, so that we can connect the 【visitor WIFI switch】 to the Apple Smart Home APP and use Siri voice control. 10丨79丨配置FAQ:HomeKit配对手动输入Pin: "12312312";语音:嗨Siri,打开Guest WIFI开关。丨Configuration FAQ: HomeKit pairing manually enter Pin: 「 12312312」; voice: Hi Siri, open the Guest WIFI switch. 11丨77丨用ChinaDNS查询时,则需要设置SS【DNS 服务模式选择 dnsmasq】、本地代理端口:8053丨When using ChinaDNS to query, you need to set SS 【DNS service mode selection dnsmasq】, local proxy port: 8053 12丨77丨注意:首次启动需要2分钟,建议设置账户密码和监听配置以保安全,祝大家玩的愉快。丨Note: It takes 2 minutes for the first boot. It is recommended to set the account password and monitor configuration to ensure security. I wish you all a good time. 13丨13丨回车,看到回复丨, see the reply 14丨40丨,获取其中265485616填入页面的【接收人ID】丨, and get the [Recipient ID] where 265485616 is filled in the page. 15丨75丨欢迎使用 transocks - 一个可以将TCP连接透明地重定向到SOCKS5 / HTTP的透明代理丨Welcome to transocks - a transparent proxy that transparently redirects TCP connections to SOCKS5 / HTTP 16丨75丨欢迎使用 transocks - 一个可以将TCP连接透明地重定向到SOCKS5 / HTTP的透明代理丨Welcome to transocks - a transparent proxy that transparently redirects TCP connections to SOCKS5 / HTTP 17丨66丨欢迎使用 translate,让我们可以使用【谷歌翻译】翻译管理页面的内容。丨Welcome to translate, let us use the 【Google Translate】 translation management page content. 18丨61丨欢迎使用 FakeInChina【假装在中国】 来解决在线视频的地区限制。丨Welcome to FakeInChina 【pretend to be in China】 to address regional restrictions on online video. 19丨52丨回车。准备完成,下面【消息内容】填入字符测试一下吧!丨. Ready to complete, the following [message content] fill in the characters to test it! 20丨51丨启动ChinaDNS后自动设置dnsmasq只向ChinaDNS查询解析。丨After starting ChinaDNS, dnsmasq is automatically set to query only ChinaDNS. 21丨45丨欢迎使用 speedup【家庭云提速】 提速电信宽带。丨Welcome to speedup 【family cloud speed】 speed telecom broadband. 22丨43丨欢迎使用 goflyway,一个简单的 HTTP 代理工具丨Welcome to goflyway, a simple HTTP proxy tool 23丨39丨同时过滤从国外DNS,返回的结果为国内的IP丨At the same time filtering from foreign DNS, the result returned is domestic IP 24丨37丨默认包1,若有更好的提速包,可手动选择丨Default package 1, if there is a better speed-up package, you can manually select 25丨36丨若本地代理ss-local连接远端SS服务器,丨If the local proxy ss-local is connected to the remote SS server, 26丨33丨此处填入监听地址\[\]丨Fill in the listening address here 【】 27丨33丨欢迎使用 ChinaDNS 来解决DNS污染。丨Welcome to ChinaDNS to resolve DNS pollution. 28丨33丨选填代码,Start后没提速可尝试填入丨Optional code, try to fill in without speed after Start 29丨32丨此处填入ss-local代理端口\[1081\]丨Fill in the ss-local proxy port here 【1081】 30丨32丨若本地代理服务为本机的ss-local,丨If the local proxy service is native ss-local, 31丨32丨创建telegram机器人:telegram打开丨Create a telegram robot: telegram opens 32丨31丨透明重定向的代理服务器IP、域名:丨Transparent redirected proxy server IP, domain name: 33丨28丨此处必须填入SS服务器IP、域名丨The SS server IP and domain name must be filled in here. 34丨28丨当前 app 文件:最新 app 文件:丨Current app file: latest app file: 35丨27丨查看以下文件修改 配置参数。丨Review the following files to modify the configuration parameters. 36丨27丨透明重定向的代理服务器端口:丨Transparent redirected proxy server port: 37丨26丨在这里配置SS参数和查看说明丨Configure SS parameters and view instructions here 38丨26丨获取本账号ID:telegram打开丨Get this account ID: telegram open 39丨25丨抓取代码教程:【点击查看】丨Grab the code tutorial: 【Click to view】 40丨20丨清空以往接入设备名称丨Clear previous access device name 41丨20丨透明重定向的代理模式丨Transparent redirected proxy mode 42丨20丨要使用的 DNS 服务器:丨DNS server to use: 43丨19丨打开刚刚新建的bot,丨Open the newly created bot, 44丨19丨【电脑客户端32位】 丨【Computer client 32-bit】 45丨19丨家庭云APP下载地址: 丨Family cloud APP download address: 46丨19丨远端服务器IP、域名:丨Remote server IP and domain name: 47丨18丨创建BOT并获取token丨Create a BOT and get a token 48丨17丨设备上、下线提醒:丨Device up and down line reminder: 49丨17丨电脑客户端64位】 丨64-bit computer client】 50丨17丨使用DNS双向过滤?丨Use DNS two-way filtering? 51丨17丨使用DNS压缩指针?丨Use DNS to compress pointers? 52丨16丨客户端使用教程:丨Client usage tutorial: 53丨16丨客户端下载地址:丨Client download address: 54丨16丨启动前运行的脚本丨Script that runs before startup 55丨16丨在线文件管理系统丨Online file management system 56丨16丨,最新 app 文件:丨, the latest app file: 57丨15丨互联网 IP 变动:丨Internet IP changes: 58丨15丨服务器配置FAQ:丨Server Configuration FAQ: 59丨15丨家庭云提速 开关丨Home cloud speed up switch 60丨14丨当前 app 文件:丨Current app file: 61丨14丨启动前运行脚本丨Run the script before starting 62丨14丨最新 app 文件:丨Latest app file: 63丨14丨当前 app 文件:丨Current app file: 64丨13丨设备接入提醒:丨Device access reminder: 65丨13丨固件更新提醒:丨Firmware update reminder: 66丨13丨本地代理端口:丨Local proxy port: 67丨12丨获取接收人ID丨Get the recipient ID 68丨12丨其他客户端】丨Other clients】 69丨12丨说明和SS参数丨Description and SS parameters 70丨12丨提速代码设置丨Speed ​​up code setting 71丨11丨主程序路径:丨Main program path: 72丨10丨对话框输入丨Enter in the dialog box: 73丨10丨大陆白名单丨Continental whitelist 74丨10丨家庭云提速丨Family cloud speed 75丨10丨假装在中国丨Pretending to be in China 76丨10丨配置教程: 丨Configuration tutorial: 77丨10丨使用教程】丨Use the tutorial】 78丨10丨提速包选择丨Speed ​​up package selection 79丨10丨项目地址:丨project address: 80丨10丨项目地址:丨project address: 81丨10丨使用方法:丨Instructions: 82丨9丨配置教程:丨Configuration tutorial: 83丨9丨项目地址:丨project address: 84丨9丨语言选项:丨Select WebUI Language: 85丨8丨接收人ID丨recipient ID 86丨8丨发送消息丨Send a message 87丨8丨通知提醒丨Notification reminder 88丨8丨在线发送丨Send online 89丨8丨消息内容丨Message content 90丨8丨工作模式丨Operating mode 91丨8丨管理界面丨Management interface 92丨8丨联系方式丨Contact information 93丨8丨配置文件丨Configuration file 94丨8丨全局代理丨Global agent 95丨8丨微力同步丨Micro force synchronization 96丨6丨版本:丨version: 97丨6丨伪装表丨Camouflage table 98丨5丨代码:丨Code: 99丨5丨端口:丨port: 100丨5丨接入:丨Access: 101丨4丨开启丨Open 102丨4丨关闭丨close 103丨4丨更新丨Update更新 104丨4丨禁止丨debar禁止 105丨4丨开关丨switch开关 106丨4丨允许丨allow允许 107丨4丨重启丨Restart重启 108丨3丨包1丨Package 1 109丨3丨包2丨Package 2 110丨3丨包3丨Package 3 111丨3丨包4丨Package 4 112丨3丨包5丨Package 5